Rebranding Job Boards

Following my blog on “What is a Job Board” the team at Jobg8 have found some more interesting articles on similar subjects. One of our favourites references our very own North American Job Board Summit 2013 and was produced by one of our delegates, Matt Charney .

Matt’s article is passionate, articulate and well-thought through. He states:

“Having spent time at Monster in the content and social marketing game, but I still believe in job boards. And anyone who thinks they’re dead and deliberately ignores them as part of a holistic recruiting strategy is significantly more hindered in attracting top talent than those “old-school” HR professionals who perceive social media the same way the Puritans perceived witches.”

He points out, quite rightly in my view, that “Without job boards, the entire ecosystem of online recruiting would ostensibly trigger a collapse of cataclysmic proportions. Suddenly, qualified candidates, incoming applicants, internal mobility, and the entire online recruiting industry — all $80 billion of it — will wither in the apocalyptic content drought created by the seemingly inevitable extinction of job boards”.

Matt goes on to say “It’s not that they don’t work — it’s just, as pointed out during Jeff Dickey Chasins’ session at the recent JobG8 Summit on the future of job boards, they’re in dire need of a rebrand. One look at the numbers confirms that the efficacy of job boards lies less in their actual results and more in the negative connotations the term carries with recruiters and candidates alike”.

He also looks at LinkedIn and makes this point: “Consider the curious case of LinkedIn. Of all technologies, the job board industry and pundits alike put it squarely on top as their biggest and most worrisome competitive threat. It is, however, evidence of the power of branding”.

Matt states that “Although traditional job boards do have a lot to learn from the site’s clean user experience and user interface, behavioural targeting, easy filtering features, and branding options, while LinkedIn might be the best job board on the planet, it remains, for the time being, just that, with a few social features added on”.

Read the whole of this excellent article here

Other similar stories include;

I sometimes wonder if the answer is more simple: today job boards are part of the establishment, we are no longer those “challenger” brands we were in the early 2000s and at a time when “new shinny” toys are all that our blogging community want to write about, job boards are simply not that interesting?

Keith Robinson is a regular contributor to the Jobg8 blog, co produces the Jobg8 Summits and works with a range of job boards advising on Strategy, NPD, Marketing and NBD across Europe.

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